Wednesday, January 5, 2011

history of how DOMINICAN REPUBLIC became an independet country.....

Thousands of years before Christopher Colombus discovered what today is America for the Europeans, the first island that he and his crew landed was  named by Colombus as la Hispaniola; this island was inhabitted by tainos indians. The word taino mean "good person" in their native language, they showed that to the spanish when they got to the island in 1942. the tainos indians were very peaceful and they were very organized. the spainiards saw that the tainos where an easy target to conquer, and also they saw how rich this island was. for the tainos the island was called Quisqueya, and they had a lot of gold jewelry around everywhere because the gold was found very easy almost in every river of the island, so Colombus hurried his trip back to Spain to talk about his new discovery.
in Christopher Colombus second trip to La Hispaniola, he brought all kind of equipment and any kind of men to prepare the conquest of the island. he start to explote the tainos with hard work and the women from the island were sexually abused by the spaniards. the tainos were kind of weak and with all the different diseases that the spaniards brought, the tainos start to die and their population began to dissappear very quickly. Colombus decided to use stronger men, so he brought africans to the island. the conquer of the spaniards was very succesful and they were getting all what they want, but the coming years other big nations from Europe start to navigate to the new world, and this became a problem for spain. for many year La Hispaniola was a colony of Spain, but then the France got into the island and colonized the west part of the island. the problems start for Spain when france, and the africans, and a few of the tainos that where in the island start to fight against them. Spain lost the island, so the island was part of France now, but after a while the the africans moved to the west part of the island and became independent from the french, they called their part of the island Haiti. and a few years later the haitians occupied the entire island.
(christopher colombus house in DR)
for 22 years the east part of the island was dominated by Haiti, there were many attempts before from the inhabitants of the east part who where a mixture of races (spaniars, tainos, and africans), this attempts failed, so om February 27th of 1844 was created what today is Dominican Republic, thanks to a secrete organization called "La Trinitaria" that was under the leadership of Juan Pablo Duarte.

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