Tuesday, January 4, 2011

dominican republic introduction!!!

dominican republic is located in the caribean next cuba, puerto rico, haiti, and jamaica. these countries form what is called the Greater antilles. dominican republic shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, where domincan republic has the biggest part of the territory of the island.
dominican republic is a great island where people can go and enjoy of the natural resources, and the great sense of humor of the population from this marvelous country.
dominican republic history is very interesting because many things happened in this little country. the spanish colonization, the french ocupation, the haitian ocupation, our independence, war of restoration, USA ocupation, an era of a dictator....
this country had suffered a lot of things, but still trying to improve the economy, and the style of live of the population. the dominican population has something very important and it is that it does not matter how tough the situation is they always try to find the good things of everything and keep going forward.

our economy depends a lot of what we produce in the crops, and of the tourist. the tourism is fundamental for us since people around the world go to DR to enjoy of our beaches, rivers, mountains, and any kind of landscape that people can find there.

dominican republic is full of happiness and a lot things to offer to all the world, and i will post them on my web page so you can enjoy of them and maybe i can convince you to visit my country.

dominican republic

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